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We wouldn't even consider another e-mail solution

Click here to visit the Press Broadcast Web site.

Client Testimonial: Press Broadcast Inc., Montreal, QC.

After being in business for more than five years, we understand the importance of having an email system that works all the time and in the toughest conditions. On any typical day, we conduct about 65 percent of our business with the use of emails sent by our clients.

We are an important press release outsourcing agency and our Web site gets a lot of visitors on any given day. When potential customers send us new orders for press releases, we need to act rapidly. We also need to respond swiftly to status requests or demands for additional information.

When we discovered the SureMail™ solution, at first we thought it was only a "bare-bones" email service. We soon realized that there was a lot more to the service than we orginally expected. For example, with our previous provider we used to loose emails on a regular basis. When asked why this was happening we never got a clear answer! Frustrated for over a year, we decided to investigate other avenues.

We were amazed to find out that SureMail™ relies on redundant mail servers in case some e-mails should ever get lost in CyberSpace! I didn't even know such technology existed! We're truly happy with such a high-reliability email service and now we don't loose emails anymore. We wouldn't even consider another e-mail solution since Sure Mail™ fills all our needs and at a very competitive price. We were also happy to notice that our overall spam and virus levels had dropped after we switched over to SureMail™.

I don't know how they do this, but we are very happy with the service.

David Hanson,
Regional sales manager, Atlantic Coast,
Press Broadcast Inc.
Grande Allée Blvd., Suite 205,
Boisbriand, QC. J7G 2B3

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